Focus on eHealth Startup Founders #2 — Dr Isabel Van De Keere, Immersive Rehab Founder
Can you tell us about your business and where this interesting idea came from?
“My company, Immersive Rehab, develops interactive games in Virtual Reality. With these programmes, we intend to improve the effectiveness of physical rehabilitation, by providing a motivating solution to people who have neurological limitations.
The idea emerged after I had a serious accident 7 years ago, which obliged me to undertake long sessions of physical therapy. I remember thinking that those sessions were not motivating neither the smallest bit entertaining, which made me wonder if there was a way to make the whole process more engaging. So that is when I decided to start my company.”
That is a very interesting story. As many businesses, your company must face challenges when operating. Would you mind telling us what you consider to be the main ones?
“A big challenge for our company is dealing with regulatory approval and knowing how to obtain it. All of our processes need to be validated, otherwise the request for approval will not be successful in the end. That is one of the reasons why legal advice is well appreciated in my field. Another challenge is finding investors to obtain funding from.”
How did you first hear about qLegal and what did you primarily expect form our services?
“I actually found out about qLegal when I met one of the members in person at a professional event. I was told that the services were performed by students and supervised by practitioners, which led me to trust that they would have up-to-date knowledge and information regarding my legal issues. That is exactly what I needed, considering that my business area is still very new and does not have many precedents.”
How did you feel the interview with qLegal and the entire process went?
“I was very happy with everything, from the moment I submitted my case, to the final advice letter being sent to me. My schedule is busy and sometimes appointments had to be changed, which the qLegal members were always very comprehensive about. The advice letter provided me with advanced information regarding my business current demands and went even into more detail than I was expecting. Everything was very well written and I will be consulting the advice letter when facing any issues again. I really appreciate all the attention from qLegal and would definitely recommend your services to any startups, as a good source of quick, easy and accessible professional legal advice.”
What do you have in mind as goals for your business in the future?
“I wish for my company to be able to give people increasingly access to the Virtual Reality software we have developed, as well as to improve this access, so that they will always have us to rely on when facing the challenges of physical rehabilitation.”
You can find more about Immersive Rehab at: